Opinions to Tell

Along the way as an OTT guy, Cheung Chun Ho

Category: Smart TV

A Box or Not for OTT?

“Should we distribute the OTT boxes or builds the apps on every platform?” That is the question.

Thoughts on Television Commerce

Recently my Google alert spotted me a post entitled "Innovating beyond the vanilla TV ad spot" from India. It listed out various innovative ways to do the TV advertising ranging from contextual advertising, themed Ad breaks…etc. Though they are all interesting, some of the measures are not “techie" and required intensive collaboration among clients, advertisers and the TV station and thus they may not be scalable. What catching my attention the most is the "T-commerce" and I would like to add some more there.

Next Disruption: Curated Online Videos on Smart TVs  – Part 2 – How Can We Do That?

In the previous article, we have covered the reasoning of why curated online video could be a new disruptive TV experience.

Next Disruption: Curated Online Videos on Smart TVs – Part 1

Disruptions are everywhere. People are looking for ‘pain points’ in daily life and try to disrupt it by providing a better solutions. We could see media industry has been disrupted rapidly and some traditional media, like TV, is deemed to be fading out from our life.

Little attempt to China’s Smart TV market

Market in China is mysterious. TV market in China is even more mysterious. There are lots of restrictions on the…

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